Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is hypnosis?

A: Hypnosis is a natural state of mind, a focused state of awareness, or “trance,” that every one of us experiences on a daily basis.

Although the term is derived from the Greek word for sleep, hypnosis is not sleep, but simply a relaxed state of focused concentration. Hypnosis is also not a state of unconsciousness. And, contrary to popular myth, you will not “go to” a magical sixth dimension place. Instead, you will simply feel relaxed, just as you have many, many times in your daily life.

To some, hypnosis feels like daydreaming.

You may even recall such times.

For example, you may remember times when you were driving and arrived at your destination, only to notice you didn’t remember the journey. You were not asleep, nor were you unconscious.

How about when you were watching a movie and you felt sad when the hero died, even though you knew the actor was going to wake up the next morning just like you and have breakfast with his family?

Or perhaps you can remember a time when you were listening to a boring lesson or lecture and your mind wandered, only to be brought back to alertness suddenly because you were asked a question.

Have you ever been so involved in a task on the Internet that you’ve lost track of time? Or have you ever read a book and become so absorbed in the plot that you can see the scenery and hear the characters speak?

These are all everyday examples of a natural focused state of awareness or “trance.”

Accessing these states of trance, or focused awareness, is all that is needed to “be hypnotized.”

Q: What is the difference between hypnosis and self-hypnosis?

A: All hypnosis is self-hypnosis, as everything that occurs is within the participant, the listener, the experiencer.  Thus, hypnosis is not possible without consent and desire, whether guided by a hypnotist in-person, on an audio or self-guided. So hypnosis and self-hypnosis are one in the same.

Q: What does it mean to “be hypnotized?”

A: Hypnosis is as much a process as it is a state of mind. It is a natural process, designed to access the state of focused awareness, in which your subconscious mind is more receptive to positive suggestions, insight, and awareness. It is in this state of mind that you access your ability to rapidly integrate new skills, strategies, and strengths, and to release unwanted and unproductive thoughts, feelings, and habits.

With your consent, permission, and desire, a self-hypnosis audios can help you to make positive, constructive and beneficial changes to your game and your life.

Q. How does self-hypnosis work?

A. Self-hypnosis works so well because the body is like a robot—your subconscious mind runs your body very much like a computer runs a robot, which means that whatever the mind experiences, the body tends to do.

In the natural course of your daily life, you don’t have to think about those millions of chemical processes that go on in your body just to allow you to be able to digest your food. You don’t have to consciously orchestrate all those complex electrical impulses that make your heart beat or your muscles move. Your subconscious mind does all of that for you.

Your conscious mind (the analytical, decision-making part of our mind that we like to think is in control) can think of a maximum of nine thoughts per second. In that same second, your subconscious mind (the powerful, automatic part of the mind that controls our habits, behaviors, long-term memories, emotions, imagination, and even our central nervous system) is processing 2,300,000 bits of data!

With these self-hypnosis audios, we simply utilize the relaxed trance state to bypass the analytical, critical, and decision-making part of our mind that likes to think it’s in control.  We then gain access to our powerful subconscious mind, giving it the opportunity to remove unwelcome, unproductive, and even destructive learned patterns, replacing them with those behaviors and habits that support an improved and more enjoyable golf game.

In these audios, as we communicate with your subconscious in the proper way, it says, “Okay, what’s next?”

And there’s the real key to change—communicating with your subconscious in the correct way.

Your conscious mind thinks logically and communicates through language, like you and I do, but your subconscious mind doesn’t. Your subconscious mind communicates through imagination and make believe, and it isn’t logical.

For example, if I were to ask you to close your eyes and imagine yourself in a favorite, relaxing place (maybe at the beach or on the lake), then, you get into it.

Then you really imagine being there. You may see the sight of the waves through your own eyes. You may hear the waves washing ashore through your own ears. You may feel the sun in the air and on your skin.

The more fully you can associate your senses into your imagination, the stronger the communication will be with your subconscious mind. It’s similar to tuning a radio dial for the clearest signal. It’s fun … and it works!

Q. Do I have to be “out” for self-hypnosis to work?

A. No, you will not be “out”, although at times it may feel like it. Although the term is derived from the Greek word for sleep, hypnosis is not sleep, but simply a relaxed state of focused concentration.

Hypnosis is also not a state of unconsciousness. And, contrary to popular myth, you will not “go to” a magical sixth dimension place. Instead, you will simply feel relaxed, just as you have many, many times in your daily life. Know that whether you feel “out of it” or hear and are aware of the entire recording, you will benefit from it. If you listen, it will help.

Q. How often should I listen?

A. The more, the better. Try to listen at least once per day, more if you can.

Q. When is the best time to listen?

A. It is totally up to you. Many listen at bedtime and continue the relaxed state right into their sleep. Others listen midday. The audio always ends with a countdown to wake you. You will awaken feeling refreshed and ready to go! About the only time you should never listen is when you are driving a vehicle or operating machinery!

Q. How quickly will I see results?

A. You will see results right away. The more you listen, the better the results. And as you experience the better results from your new habits, you will also be ingraining them for the long term – so the results will be the new way you golf.

Q. Will any of the audio tapes mess with my swing?

A. No. The focus of all the audios is to get your head in the right place to shoot the lowest scores of your life. This site is about training your brain to be focused on what is correct and productive. These audios are based on proven principles from people like Jones, Hogan, Rotella, Penick, and Parent. Swing training is up to you.

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